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Research project on Japan’s strategic and effective funding and cooperation with international health-related organizations focused on COVID-19 and the three major infectious diseases


ODA tracker (3)

Analysis of Multilateral Assistance

Please click the picture below to show the graph.

How it works

This graph presents the comparative proportions of funding the multilateral development system. This system is either funded by contributions to multilateral agencies or as earmarked aid by multilateral agencies such as the World Health Organization. Contribution to multilateral agencies is core funding which multilateral agencies can use for their activities.

By switching the tabs, you can toggle the donor countries or categories of multilateral agencies. If you hover the cursor over each country, their contributions through and to multilateral agencies and their total contributions can be seen.


Ref. OECD Funding to the multilateral development system

Methodology for creating the graph

The graph (graph title) is based on the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) aid activity database provided by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) The objective of the CRS Aid Activity database is to provide a set of readily available data that analyzes DAC member-wise funding through location, purpose, and the policies that it aims to implement.

1. The data were downloaded from the “Members’ total use of the multilateral system” on CRS.
2. The data of “Core contribution to” and “Contribution through” were merged.
3. The vertical and horizontal axis was adjusted to show the relative proportion.
4. The graph was created by a data visualization tool called “Tableau”.

※ The development assistance for the health (DAH) sector included the 12000 series (health) and 13000 series (population policy and reproductive health). The proportion of DAH was the proportion of total contribution through multilateral agencies.

※ The code classification of the donors, multilateral agencies, and field of contribution is defined on the CRS code list.

Free material

The graph is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Research project on Japan’s strategic and effective funding and cooperation with international health-related organizations focused on COVID-19 and the three major infectious diseases (