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Research project on Japan’s strategic and effective funding and cooperation with international health-related organizations focused on COVID-19 and the three major infectious diseases


ODA tracker (2)

ODA by Sectors and Donors

Please click the picture below to show the graph.

How it works

This stacked bar chart aims to visualize how much official development assistance (ODA) funding was spent on health sectors compared with other sectors in OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries and private philanthropy foundations since 2011. By switching the tabs, you can select donors and sectors of development. Donors with the largest contributions are arranged in descending order. If you hover the cursor over each item or bar chart breakdown, only the relevant portion of each donor’s contribution will be highlighted. The graph on the right (Total amount by sectors) shows the total contribution of donors selected and selected sectors on the left.

Ref.: OECD
Ref.: Development Assistance Committee(DAC)

Methodology for creating the graph

The graph is based on databases from the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) provided by the OECD DAC. The objective of the CRS Aid Activity database is to provide a set of readily available basic data that enable an analysis of where aid goes, what purposes it serves, and what policies it aims to implement, on a comparable basis for all DAC members.

1. The data were downloaded information from CRS.
2. The data were merged with CRS from DAC countries and from private philanthropy foundations.
3. The extracted data were compiled in each sector.
4. The graph was developed using “Tableau,” a data visualization tool.

※The health-related sectors were defined as sector codes 12XXX(health), 13XXX(population policy and reproductive health), and 14XXX(water and sanitation). Agriculture(311XX), food security (52010), and microcredit system (24040) were included as health-related sectors.

※ The code classification of the donors and sector of contribution is based on the CSR code table.

Free material

The graph is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Research project on Japan’s strategic and effective funding and cooperation with international health-related organizations focused on COVID-19 and the three major infectious diseases (