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Research project on Japan’s strategic and effective funding and cooperation with international health-related organizations focused on COVID-19 and the three major infectious diseases

TOP > RESOURCES > Overview of ODA

Overview of ODA

“Development Cooperation” refers to the “international cooperation activities by governments and government agencies primarily aimed at the development of developing regions.” The public funds for such activities are called the ODA. Through the ODA, governments provide funds (gifts, loans, etc.) and technologies to developing countries or international organizations for the “development” of these countries in several areas, including peace building, governance, the promotion of basic human rights, humanitarian assistance, etc.


According to the White Paper on Development Cooperation, Japan’s total expenditure related to the ODA in 2018 was approximately USD17.25 billion, ranking fourth in the world after the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, respectively. However, according to the statistics published by the Development Flame Committee of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, the share received by the health sector from Japan’s total ODA in 2018 only comprised about 5%, while the G7 weighted average based on the actual amount of expenditure was about 1 (21.4%).

ACT-Accelerator and the Government of Japan